Winter Conditions Don’t Stop Pests

Winter Conditions Don’t Stop Pests

Certainly everyone living within the United States has taken note of the extremely cold climate this winter. The past few winters were relatively mild, which resulted in a spring season that was highly populated with many different insect pests. We have been told...

Controlling Insects With Nukes?

Nobody likes insects, and some insects are dangerous and occasionally deadly. Since insects, such as mosquitoes, can cause illness and fatalities, public health officials in some countries have been known to take a hard line against insects that spread disease. The...
One Fly Can Change The World | Sachem Pest Control

One Fly Can Change The World | Sachem Pest Control

It is no secret that the world faces a lot of problems today. High levels of food waste and growing landfills are one of the most pressing environmental problems facing the modern world. Food waste within landfills contributes significantly to the amount of greenhouse...
Termites Are Easily Fooled By Imposters

Termites Are Easily Fooled By Imposters

We all know that termites are very small. If you think that their small size makes them seem relatively unintimidating to other insects, then you would be right. Termites are certainly not known for being effective predators. Even insects that are as small as ants...
Butterflies Never Miss An Opportunity To Get Drunk

Butterflies Never Miss An Opportunity To Get Drunk

Human beings are no strangers to alcohol, but you may be surprised to learn that other organisms consume alcohol as well. It would probably not surprise you to learn that some mammals seem to enjoy the intoxicating effects of alcohol. But what about insects? Insects...