If Spiders Are Not Attracted To Human Foods, Garbage, Or Decaying Organic Matter, Then Why Is Sanitation Necessary To Prevent Spider Infestations?
In addition to being a common source of fear and disgust, spiders can become a nuisance within homes. It is not uncommon for people to find one or two spiders within their home on occasion, and spiders often crawl into homes accidentally while searching for prey. In...
What’s The Best Way To Prevent Spiders From Entering Homes
It is not uncommon for residents of Massachusetts to find spiders in their home, sometimes in large numbers, but luckily, the northern black widow is the only potentially dangerous spider species in the state, and they are very rarely spotted outdoors, let alone...
Long Bodied Cellar Spiders Are The Most Commonly Managed Spider Pests Within Homes, And Eliminating Infestations Is Usually Difficult
Pholcus phalangioides, is the most abundant spider species from the Pholcidae family in the United States, and they are one of the most commonly encountered spider species within homes. This spider species is more commonly known as the “long bodied cellar spider,” and...
Do Most Ant Infestations Involve Indoor Nests, And Which Ant Species Are Most Likely To Nest Indoors?
Thousands of ant species have been documented worldwide, and only a small minority of these species are considered pests. Taken as a whole, ants are far more beneficial than problematic. For example, most ants recycle organic matter, and their tunneling behavior helps...
Pink Eye, Cold Symptoms And Rashes Can Affect Those Living In Homes Where Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs Congregate Within Heating Ducts, And Other Indoor Areas
North America is home to several native stink bug species that belong to the plant-feeding insects in the Homoptera suborder of the Hemiptera order of insects, which are commonly known as “true bugs.” While some true bugs are pests of cultivated plants, very few...
The Brown Soft Scale Proliferates Within Homes Where They Attract Insect Pests And Feed Exclusively On Numerous Indoor Plant Species
The brown soft scale is an insect pest that feeds on numerous ornamental, fruit and flowering plants throughout the world, and they are well known for being one of the most commonly encountered plant pests within homes. In southern regions of the US, brown soft scales...
The Little Known Ant Pests That Aggressively Bite Humans, Infest Stored Food, And Nest Within Structural Wood Located In Wall Voids
Ant species belonging to the Crematogaster genus are commonly known as “acrobat ants,” and they can be found in every inhabited region of the world where some species are considered indoor pests. Several acrobat ant species are frequent indoor pests in the US,...
When Do Biting Midges Emerge In Massachusetts, How Can These Airborne Pests Be Accurately Identified, And Do They Enter Homes?
Biting midges pose a tremendous nuisance to those who spend a lot of time outdoors during the spring and summer months, and just as their common name makes clear, these insect pests readily bite humans. Biting midges are exceptionally small in size, but they possess...
Where In Homes Do House Crickets Lay Their Eggs, And Will They Become Permanent Residents Of Infested Homes?
Crickets and katydids are similar insect groups within the Orthoptera order. Crickets belong to the Gryllidae family, while katydids belong to the Tettigoniidae family, and both of these insect groups are well known for their habit of using specialized organs to...
The Highly Destructive Wood-Boring Beetle Species That Commonly Infests Hardwood Flooring And Structural Wood Within Northeastern Homes
Several insect pests are notable for their habit of infesting structural and ornamental woods that are associated with homes and buildings. In the northeast US, some wood-infesting insect pests, like powderpost beetles and subterranean termites, both nest within, and...