Most Venomous Caterpillar In America Recently Attacked

Most Venomous Caterpillar In America Recently Attacked

There are plenty of venomous animals dwelling within the United States. Snakes and arachnids can transmit venom to people’s circulatory systems if they feel threatened. But which other creatures in America are venomous? Surprisingly many caterpillars are...

Some Termite Colonies Practice Polygamy

Polygamy is not a rare sexual behavior among animals. Even many groups of pre-civilized humans practiced polygamy. When it comes to insects, polygamous sexual relations are the norm. Polygamy serves to promote species survival. If polygamy hindered the ability for...
Important Church Has Become Infested | Sachem

Important Church Has Become Infested | Sachem

During the earliest stages of civilization, mankind was likely aware of the damage that termites could cause to wood-made structures. Destructive termites had to be problematic for early humans living within primitive shelters that were constructed from nothing but...