The northeast United States is home to several invasive insect species that cause damage to trees within forested areas. Some of these insects include the hemlock woolly adelgid, the emerald ash borer and the European gypsy moth. These pests do not typically infest...
Polygamy is not a rare sexual behavior among animals. Even many groups of pre-civilized humans practiced polygamy. When it comes to insects, polygamous sexual relations are the norm. Polygamy serves to promote species survival. If polygamy hindered the ability for...
During the earliest stages of civilization, mankind was likely aware of the damage that termites could cause to wood-made structures. Destructive termites had to be problematic for early humans living within primitive shelters that were constructed from nothing but...
At Sachem Pest we want to provide our customers with the best information and services to keep their home or business pest free! That is why we have created this list this week to help keep your workplace or home rodent free! Rodents can be a very annoying pest to...
We all know that many insects are considered pests to certain plant species. However, we don’t often hear about the methods some plants use to attack insect pests. Obviously, insects have the advantage of being mobile, but there is a lot that plants can do when it...